Anne Currie

Trend Diabetes Committee Member & Lead Nurse


I am currently Lead Nurse for Diabetes and Endocrinology working within an Acute Trust in East and North Hertfordshire. I have over twenty years’ experience as a Diabetes Specialist Nurse and prior experience in acute medicine.  

In my current role I lead one of the largest diabetes teams in the East of England covering in-patient and out-patient care within a secondary care setting.  The role has a strategic emphasis as a lead nurse within the organisation and involves reaching out to our partner organisations within the ICB our Community colleagues and across the East of England and nationally.

Clinically I still spend seventy percent of my time seeing people living with diabetes in both the in-patient and out-patient settings and my area of interest is Type 1 Diabetes care and technology. I am a DAFNE educator and independent nurse prescriber and run nurse led clinics autonomously and as part of an MDT. 

I am a role model and educator for junior staff members.

I am passionate about improving care, outcomes and quality of life for people living with Diabetes.