Lesley Mills

Lesley Mills

Consultant Nurse in Diabetes, Warrington


Lesley Mills has been working in the field of diabetes for nearly 30 years. She is the Consultant Nurse for Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust leading a team of specialist nurses over 2 hospital sites and 2 community services. Lesley looks after individuals within both primary and secondary care.  Along with other complex clinics, Lesley covers sexual dysfunction, pregnancy and diabetes clinics Lesley also runs “in-reach” clinics for offender health in 2 local prisons.  Lesley has completed a post graduate diploma in health education and sexual health and completed an MPhil in medicine at Liverpool University, where she compared consultant led clinics with nurse led clinics for patients with high risk cardio- vascular problems.   She has lectured at national and international conferences for a number of years and has had over 30 papers published both nationally and internationally. Lesley works at a local, regional and national level to improve services and care for people living with diabetes and their families.  She was a staff governor for a number of. years before taking up a trustee role at a hospice. Lesley also volunteers for Festival Medical Services, leading a team for stage medical at Glastonbury and Reading Festivals among other events .Lesley was awarded the honour of Queen’s Nurse in 2016 for her work in improving patient care in the community. She is also the longest serving member of the editorial board for the Diabetes & Primary Care journal.